Trajectory of Students' Lives Change Because of Tutoring

May 12, 2018

Failing grades have a tremendous impact on so many aspects of a student’s life. When a student improves their grades, you begin to see improvement in more than just their grades. Their character begins to reflect the same improvement. Such is the case with young Yerard Pena and his sister Jay-Leen Pena. When their mother, Ms. Mariuxi Rosado first enrolled her children in the OLCDC’s Keeping Our Promise (KOP) Program, she feared the worst for her children’s academic future. Just after 3 months in the program and the tutoring received from KOP tutor Tony Ugalde, both Yerard and Jay-Leen have improved tremendously. “Jay-leen used to be an F student, as reported by mom and evidence of student report card. Now she has all passing grades” says Ms. Rosado. “As their mother, I have seen improvement in them and I would like for the tutoring to continue to keep their knowledge growing and I am really thankful for Tonyand his patience,” Ms. Rosado went on.Ms. Rosado who once feared for her children’s future, now has hope that her children will be the best they can be. And, her “hope” is evidenced by real report card results. Yerard and Jay-Leen who previously had lost interest in school are now talking about getting As and living a golden life. OLCDC thankful tutoring letterMother, Ms. Rosado, writes a heart felt expression of her thankfulness for OLCDC's tutoring services..

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