Exhibition and Program
Black Aliveness and an Aesthetics of Being
Surrounding Programs
Panel 1. Jamaica on my Mind: Aliveness and Livity
Phillip Thomas, Chair
Saturday Dec. 7, 10am -11 am
Exhibitions recounting the history of Jamaican contemporary arts can explore its political, social, and economic dimensions.
They provide a reading of Jamaica’s preoccupations and projections to the various loci of affiliations
Panel 2. Contemporary Art, Contemporaneity and the Black World: Rethinking the Aesthetic Cartography :
A Conversation with Dr. Malick Ndiaye , Boundjoa M. Lompo, National Director for the Arts, Burkina Faso , Melissa H. Davis, Sugarcane
Saturday Dec. 7, 11am -12 am
Rethinking knowledge on African and African Diaspora Arts to better apprehend the logics of artis- tic creation about translation, conditions of knowledge productions and the supports attached to them are crucial in the development of new cultural policies. The panelists in this theme not only explore the art and history in the Black World, but also pave the way for potential transformative impacts.
Panel 3. Collecting African Diaspora Art: Black Collectors and the Art Market
Saturday Dec. 7, 12am -1pm
Essayist Pablo Helguera, comparing the American art scene to a game of chess, likens the figure of the collector to that of the queen, the most powerful piece on the chessboard. As buyers, col- lectors bring most of the money to the art market. Through their participation in museum boards and purchasing committees, and through the creation of foundations, they play an essential role in legitimizing the art being made, especially since they are often the first to support young artists and young galleries. What are the their thoughts and perspectives in the evolution of contempo- rary African Diaspora Art?
Communities gatherings
Performing Arts
Fashion Design
Films Projection

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