The Ten North Group of affiliates facilitates equitable access to affordable housing and wealth-building opportunities for under-resourced communities.
Solisyon inovatè pou adrese disparisyon istorik ak sistemik.
Ogmantasyon nan inegalite nan kominote ki anba-resous nou an se yon pwoblèm santral ke nou defye pou repanse. Kòm yon misyon ki baze sou, òganizasyon devlopman byen imobilye, sis-pwononse adrès ki pèsistan pwoblèm ki pèsistan anba kominote resous yo. Anplis lojman, nou konsantre sou kreye opòtinite richès-bilding nan bay aksè ekitab nan atizay ak kilti, ti finansman biznis, ak antreprenè ak otonòm finansye.
Ogmantasyon nan inegalite nan kominote ki anba-resous nou an se yon pwoblèm santral ke nou defye pou repanse.
Angaje kominote yo ak revitalize katye lè l sèvi avèk estrateji kominote pwouve richès kominote yo.
Our Real Estate Development expands access to affordable housing and builds sustainable thriving communities.
Our Community Fund gives entrepreneurs and small businesses access to financial resources when many typical lenders do not.
Ten North Arts uses the arts as a catalyst and a place-maker to rebuild communities and create opportunities.
Our Family Services provides our communities with tools and support so they can be ready to maximize opportunities to thrive
Our Financial Empowerment team helps our community understand the economics needed to thrive.
Evènman &atelye
Dènye nouvèl
Asosye Kominotè